Monday, April 11, 2011

body temp. during asleep

sekadar info utk dikongsikan..

ada tak sesiapa yang kalau dia tidur je,
akan rasa kesejukan?
tak kesahlah tidur malam atau pagi atau tengah hari atau petang..?
saya lah tu..

jadi ni ada artikel tentang sleep and thermoregulator..
sila baca jika berminat :)


Many physiological variables
are controlled during wakefulness
at levels that are optimal for the body’s functioning.

Our temperature,
blood pressure,
and levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and glucose
in the blood remain quite constant during wakefulness.

During sleep however,
physiological demands are reduced
and temperature and blood pressure drop.
In general,
many of our physiological functions such as brain wave activity,
and heart rate are quite variable
when we are awake or during
REM sleep (the stage of sleep most associated with dreaming),
but are extremely regular when we are in non-REM sleep.

Body Temperature
Through a process known as thermoregulation,
the temperature of our body
is controlled by mechanisms such as shivering,
and changing blood flow to the skin,
so that body temperature fluctuates minimally
around a set level during wakefulness.

Just before we fall asleep,
our bodies begin to lose some heat to the environment,
which some researchers believe actually helps to induce sleep.

During sleep,
our central set temperature is reduced by 1 to 2°F.
As a result,
we use less energy maintaining our body temperature.
It has been hypothesized
that one of the primary functions of sleep is to conserve energy in this way.

Body temperature is still maintained,
although at a slightly reduced level during non-REM sleep,
but during REM sleep our body temperature falls to its lowest point.

Curling up in bed under a blanket during the usual
10- to 30-minute periods of REM sleep
ensures that we do not lose too much heat
to the environment during this potentially
dangerous time without thermoregulation.

Dr. Duha's conclusion:
REM sleep = associated with dreaming
REM sleep = temperature fall to the lowest point
people who dreams a lot during sleeping = have very low temperature during asleep

p/s: now i know~

p/s2: human is interesting, but at many time is annoying and tiring


Anonymous said...

ada rem jugak ye bandan manusia ni.. sy ingatkn komputer je yg ada rem..:). cuba dr.duha kaji atau baca mana2 artikel, tak pn tengok video ke..pasal bagaimana tindak balas badan manusia apabila dia hadapi sesuatu masalah. mcm nk selamatkn diri dr kebakaran atau nk selamatkn diri dr kena hempap benda berat.. kalo dr.duha dpt tahu bagaimana reaksi badan kita sy pasti dr.duha akan memuji kebesaran ALLAH dan akn lebih bersemangat utk menghabiskan pengajian dr.duha di unpad..

duha said...

anony- kalau diperhatikan kebanyakkan benda yang manusia cipta pasti bercontohkan ciptaan yg sedia ada..mcm kapal terbang dan burung..
Allah bagi contoh utk diikuti dan kebijakan akal utk digunakan bagi mencipta..

kalau external defense menchanism badan manusia mungkin kurang tahu lah, tapi belajar ttg internal defense mechanism macam cell2 dalam badan, immune response, respon dr organ2 pun sgt menarik! dan menunjukkan betapa hebat Yang Maha Mencipta~ Subhanallah :)

moga dengan kita lebih mempelajari ilmu-ilmu sebegini, menyebabkan kita lebih dekat pada Allah..lagipun setiap ilmu itu datangnya dari Dia jg kan..

tq utk masukan dan saranannya :)